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blockchain for cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become increasingly important as the world becomes more interconnected and digitized. But the risks and costs of cybercrime continue to grow, as well, and the costs are staggering:

Source: https://us.norton.com/blog/emerging-threats/cybersecurity-statistics#

Against this threat, blockchain technology has been making waves in the world of cybersecurity for quite a few years now, and this innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach online security—changing it for the better.

Here are some of the ways that we believe blockchain can be used to improve cybersecurity:

Immutable Records

To transact commerce (as an organization or individual) or operate government in a digital ecosystem requires legally enforceable digital signatures to prove agreement and intent.

Blockchain technology has an ability for the creation of immutable records, providing a secure, auditable trail of all transactions. All records and changes within a document are tracked and cannot be changed, providing important chain-of-custody audit capabilities for courts and ensuring peace of mind to its users. This also makes it ideal for use in financial transactions, real estate agreements and other high-value exchanges, where a record of every step is essential for ensuring the integrity of the process.

Secure Authentication

One of the main issues in cybersecurity is the vulnerability of traditional authentication methods such as passwords. Passwords can be easily hacked or stolen, leaving sensitive information vulnerable to attack. This can be a threat to businesses, especially those who store their users personal information. Blockchain technology can be used to provide secure authentication through the use of public-private key cryptography.

“The public key can help in encrypting a message before sending it to the concerned recipient,” explains 101 Blockchains. “When the recipient gets the message, they can use their private key for decrypting the message. It is essential to remember that only the recipient knows about the private key. Therefore, the applications of public key cryptography ensure that the valuable information of users is not tampered with in transit.”


Unliked centralized databases—which can be breached at unsecure endpoints (users and devices) or even at MSPs hosting them, giving attackers complete control once they gain central access—blockchain technology distributes data across geographically separate nodes. By decentralizing data storage, blockchain effectively prevents any one endpoint (even if compromised) from gaining control of the full data set.

This distributed nature so defeats any attack seeking to breach a system and holistically encrypt the data files stored therein: A single endpoint node might be breached and its files held for ransom, but the larger data set cannot be controlled by any one endpoint (or central authority) and so attackers cannot capture the full data set for encryption, ransom, and shutting down the network.

Further, with private, permissioned blockchains, each endpoint node (or user) has a unique encryption key to access and write to the distributed ledger. If any one of those endpoints is successfully attacked (presumedly compromising their access key), the private blockchain can simply remove distributed ledger access for that compromised key, issue the endpoint a new key, and allow that endpoint to quickly regain distributed ledger access (effectively as a new endpoint).

This unique recovery process effectively maroons any ransomware on the endpoint it attacked—ending its access and threat—while allowing the endpoint to re-engage the larger data set: With a new key and without needing to pay any ransom to the attackers for restored access.

Identity Verification

Identity verification is another area where blockchain can be used to enhance cybersecurity.  It ensures that the individual claiming a particular identity is actually who they say they are. It is a very important aspect of digital security, especially as identity theft “frequency has sky-rockets in the past few years,” according to the National Council on Identity Theft Protection. “Nearly half of all U.S. citizens became a victim of some form of identity theft in 2020.”

With blockchain, users can have greater control over their personal information, allowing them to manage their digital identities more securely. This makes it more difficult for hackers to steal personal information or create fake identities.

ZorroSign’s Data Security Platform Built on Blockchain

As the world becomes more digitized and interconnected, the importance of cybersecurity will only continue to grow, and blockchain is poised to play a crucial role in ensuring that our digital world remains safe and secure.

ZorroSign’s data security platform was built on blockchain, delivering digital signatures, identity-as-a-service (IDaaS), patented fraud detection, user authentication, document validation, and document management all based on blockchain technologies. 

ZorroSign data security platform built on blockchain

ZorroSign is a strong addition to any organization’s security stack and brings the cybersecurity capabilities of blockchain to digital signatures and transactional documentation.

To learn more, visit our platform page or contact us to start a free 14 day trial. When the security of your digital data and documents is on the line, block it down!

blockchain for digital IDs
Blockchain technology enhances Digital IDs

Guest blog by Priyal Walpita, CTO at ZorroSign, Inc.

Digital Identity (digital ID) is a representation of information and data unique to a particular person, organization, or group. The role of blockchain in digital ID is to make it more secure, flexible, and interesting.

For individuals, at its most basic level, it consists of a collection of information about a person such as first and last names, date of birth, nationality, passport number, etc. All of these data points are issued and stored by centralized entities. For companies or organizations, digital identity consists of information about their users. The downside of this is the business risk that comes with the rise of user privacy-centric regulations, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In any case, when they are being relegated to tight-lipped data vaults, the use of this data becomes less which will in return reduce the improvements of the products and the true customer understanding.

What is Digital Identity and Why is it Important?

Digital Identity comprises everything and anything you have on the web which includes but is not limited to images, preferences, usage behavior on websites, bank account information, etc. With the present advancements in digital platforms, digital identity varies across banking systems, social media platforms, and telecommunication.

The importance of blockchain in digital identity is mostly based on securing individuals’ data in a distributed ecosystem. Blockchain plays a major role in ensuring accuracy when speeding up the process of customer onboarding as well as preventing any money laundering and fraudulent activity. Digital identity could help in standardizing and streamlining citizen services in different nations while having a significant part in the facilitation of social transformation projects while ensuring economic improvements.

Being precise on the identity issue eradication, using blockchain identity management, inaccessibility, fraudulent identities, and data insecurity are broadly being discussed. All the traditional methods used for identification have led a significant amount of the population to stay out of the process. Although it has been crucial for an individual to have an identity to gain access to education, the job market, traveling, governmental services, and financial systems. On another hand, the stored data and valuable identification information have been appealing to hackers. Despite all the regulations, legislation and efforts in increasing more and more cyber security, there was an exposure of a considerable amount of consumer data at a large cost. In addition to the above-mentioned issues, users tend to juggle various identities combined with usernames across websites. Data generated by one platform on another platform has no standardization and the links which are weak between the digital and offline IDs give a higher probability of the creation of fake identities.

Effectiveness of Blockchain

Improving the digital IDs with blockchain technology as the base brings several advantages, including improved:

  • Security
  • Privacy
  • Integrity
  • Trust
  • Simplicity

Security-wise, blockchain gives the element of maintaining data in an immutable and encrypted manner, ensuring that the digital identity is secure and easily traceable. In terms of privacy, efficient blockchain encryption, with the facility of digital signatures, ensures effective design and privacy while the maintenance of records of all the identities throughout the nodes across the network creates integrity. In improving trust, the maintenance of communication metadata in a distributed ledger and consensus mechanisms that helps to verify data authenticity across several nodes, plays a major role. Blockchain brings simplicity through the clear roles that are set for the identity issuers, owners, and verifiers in the processes associated with each stakeholder.

In the management of blockchain digital identity, the advantages are crucial for its sustainability. These include:

  • Relief from cumbersome paper-based identity management
  • Self-sovereign identity and easier ID verification
  • Non-custodial login solutions
  • IoT system user identify management
  • Decentralized web identity solutions
  • Improved safeguards for critical infrastructure

Moreover, using blockchains in digital IDs have the following benefits as well:

  • Manageability and control
  • Decentralized storage
  • Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure (DPKI)

Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure (DPKI) is at the heart of Decentralized Identity. Blockchain’s role here is to create a tamper-proof and trusted medium in distributing the asymmetric verification and encryption keys of the holders of the identities. DPKIs give users the ability to anchor or create cryptographic keys on the blockchain in a way that is chronologically ordered. These keys are used in the verification of other users’ information. Identities that are created on the blockchain are inherently safer to use than those that are stored on centralized servers. Cryptographically secure Ethereum blockchain, along with distributed data storage systems like InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) or OrbitDB, enables disintermediate of existing centralized data storage systems maintaining trust and data integrity. When compared, the responsibility of the data security of the identity in centralized identity systems falls under the entity providing the identity. In contrast, the responsibility of the decentralized identity framework falls completely on the user. The user has the sole right to implement his or her security measures or even outsource the tasks to any other service. The main advantage here is that the decentralized identity solutions that are blockchain-powered forcefully make the hackers attack the individual data stores which  becomes highly costly and unprofitable.

Digital identity has increasingly become a part of the social as well as the economic well-being of people all over the world. It has enabled an individual’s right to vote, and access education, and financial systems. Blockchain has become a crucial part in securing these identities by helping to create a decentralized identifier in parallel with the facility for associating digital identity with verifiable credentials. This enables an ultimate digital identity across different platforms under the individual’s control and ownership.

Blockchain Supports CLM
Blockchain Supports CLM

Contract lifecycle management (CLM), at the most basic description, is the process of managing the creation, execution, and administration of contracts. CLM involves a wide range of activities, including drafting and negotiating contracts, storing and managing contract documents, and tracking and managing contract performance.

“In any typical workday, week, quarter, and fiscal year, the average Fortune 1000 company may handle several tens of thousands of contracts,” notes JD Supra. “Each contract will need to be negotiated, reviewed, and executed. Then, when that part of the process is complete, with signatures on the proverbial dotted lines, the lifecycle management of that contract begins, including monitoring for regulatory compliance and “re”-review at renewal time. This very real scenario commands at least half, and as much as 70%, of legal professionals’ time.”

At ZorroSign, we believe blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize contract lifecycle management in three key ways:

  • By providing a secure, decentralized database, blockchain technology can enable faster, more efficient, and more secure contract management for legal professionals;
  • Blockchain can also help to reduce the risk of fraud and errors; and,
  • Blockchain can provide a more transparent and auditable record of all contract-related activities for regulatory compliance and renewals.

One of the most well-known applications of blockchain technology in CLM is in the realm of smart contracts. A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. The code—and the agreement it represents—are stored on the blockchain, which makes them secure, transparent, and auditable. Smart contracts have the potential to streamline a wide range of contract-related activities, including contract drafting, negotiation, and execution.

Another area where blockchain technology can complement contract lifecycle management is in the storage and management of contract documents. Traditional methods of storing and managing contract documents can be slow and prone to errors, but blockchain technology has the potential to make the process faster, cheaper, and more secure. By using a decentralized database to store contract documents, blockchain technology can enable faster, more accurate, and more secure access to these documents.

“Blockchain provides a trusted, independent, and cost-efficient mechanism for multiparty transactional records management,” writes Cecil (CJ) John for Medium. “Blockchain is an essential technology for records management professionals to understand because it has broad implications for securing and authenticating intellectual property at lower cost and higher efficiency.”

Blockchain technology is also being used to facilitate the tracking and management of contract performance. Traditional methods of tracking and managing contract performance can be time-consuming and error-prone, but blockchain technology has the potential to make the process faster, cheaper, and more efficient. By using a decentralized database to store information about contract performance, blockchain technology can enable faster, more accurate, and more secure contract management.

In addition to these benefits, blockchain technology can also help to improve the transparency and accountability of contract lifecycle management. By providing a tamper-proof record of all contract-related activities, blockchain technology can help to ensure that all parties are held accountable for their actions. This can be especially important in complex, multi-party contracts, where it can be difficult to track and manage all of the different activities and obligations.

“The technology generates a systematic, untampered audit trail of the history of any action taking place in a document, which can be viewed in a history tree, providing a more superior history and audit trail than anything else that currently exists,” explains Accenture. “The digitization of paper-based contracts onto the blockchain holds the potential to revolutionize the way contracts are prepared, transacted, amended, stored and complied with.”

ZorroSign is proud to bring both the private, permissioned Hyperledger Fabric blockchain and the public, permissionless Provenance Blockchain to CLM!  Our data security platform was built on blockchain, delivering digital signatures, identity-as-a-service (IDaaS), patented fraud detection, user authentication, document validation, and document management all based on blockchain technologies. 

To learn more, read our Platform details, how Legal Departments use ZorroSign, or contact us to start a free 14 day trial. When the security of your contract data is on the line, block it down!

Blockchain for IDaaS

What is IDaaS?

Identity-as-a-service (IDaaS) is any cloud-based identity management solution that enables organizations to securely authenticate and manage the identities of their users. IDaaS solutions can be used to manage a wide range of identities, including employees, customers, partners, and devices.

At a basic level, all IDaaS platforms are created to enhance online user experiences, secure access to critical enterprise applications, and reduce IT resource-related expenses with efficient identity and access management (IAM) and privileged access management (PAM).

“Sound identity management is essential,” writes Mark Diodati at Gartner. “Without good IAM, you are at real risk for data breaches and denial of service attacks. And IAM is hard to get right.”

The overarching goal of IDaaS solutions is to ensure users are who they claim to be—and to give users access to applications, data, systems, or other digital resources as authorized by their organizations.

“Some of the pros associated with IDaaS offerings include the ability to consume rather than host IAM and offloading some of the management overhead associated with IAM to an external provider,” writes Chris Hughes for CSO. “Other benefits include feature-rich offerings that make your IAM implementations more robust and secure in many cases. Most IDaaS providers offer native and integrated capabilities such as single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA).”

With this introduction, let’s look at how blockchain technology can help to improve and support IDaaS.

Blockchain and Decentralized Identifiers (DID)

One of the most well-known applications of blockchain technology in IDaaS is in the realm of decentralized identity (DID). A DID is a digital identity that is owned and controlled by the individual, rather than a central authority.

“Decentralized identifiers are stored on distributed ledgers (blockchains) or peer-to-peer networks,” explains Ethereum.org. ”This makes DIDs globally unique, resolvable with high availability, and cryptographically verifiable. A decentralized identifier can be associated with different entities, including people, organizations, or government institutions.”

Since DIDs are stored on the blockchain, they are more secure, transparent, and auditable. They also have the potential to enable individuals to have more control over their personal information and to reduce the risk of identity theft, ensuring peace of mind when it comes to the security of their personal data.

Blockchain and Identity Verification

Another area where blockchain technology supports IDaaS is in the realm of identity verification. Identity verification ensures that the individual claiming a particular identity is actually who they say they are. It is a very important, if not the most important, aspect of digital identities, especially as identity theft “frequency has sky-rockets in the past few years,” according to the National Council on Identity Theft Protection. “Nearly half of all U.S. citizens became a victim of some form of identity theft in 2020.”

Blockchain technology, however, can help to improve the accuracy and efficiency of identity verification by providing a tamper-proof record of activities and transactions. It can also help in developing new identity management systems with digital identity frameworks featuring decentralized identifiers.

Accenture, a global consultancy, has defined five immediate areas where blockchain-based digital identity management brings strong benefits:

  • Secure and seamless travel, even across international borders
  • Healthcare records that can be easily shared and managed by individual patients
  • Background checks and training records for educational and professional credentials
  • Streamline know-your-customer (KYC) processes across organizations
  • Validate proof of ownership or insurance of physical or digital assets

Blockchain Security Elevates IDaaS Data Security

Blockchain has the power to improve IDaaS’s solution’s data security by bringing the decentralized, cryptographically secured blockchain data architecture to identity management. An estimated 81% of hacking-related breaches leveraging either stolen and/or weak passwords, putting even IDaaS solutions at risk—however, blockchain technologies can help IDaaS solutions to eliminate one of the most glaring gaps in cybersecurity, as distributed ledger technologies (DLTs such as blockchain) provide two means of preventing and/or ameliorating the threat of ransomware attacks: First, by decentralizing the data set itself; and second, by giving endpoints a quick path to recovery, even if they are themselves breached and access ransomed.

For example, unlike centralized databases—which can be breached at unsecure endpoints (users and devices) or even at MSPs hosting them, giving attackers complete control once they gain central access—blockchain technology distributes data across geographically separate nodes. By decentralizing data storage, blockchain effectively prevents any one endpoint (even if compromised) from gaining control of the full data set. This distributed nature so defeats any attack seeking to breach a system and holistically encrypt the data files stored therein: A single endpoint node might be breached and its files held for ransom, but the larger data set cannot be controlled by any one endpoint (or central authority) and so attackers cannot capture the full data set for encryption, ransom, and shutting down the network.

Further, each endpoint node (or user) has a unique encryption key to access and write to the distributed ledger. If any one of those endpoints is successfully attacked (presumedly compromising their access key), the blockchain can simply remove distributed ledger access for that compromised key, issue the endpoint a new key, and allow that endpoint to quickly regain distributed ledger access (effectively as a new endpoint).

This unique recovery process maroons any ransomware on the endpoint it attacked—ending its access and threat—while allowing the endpoint to re-engage the larger data set: With a new key and without needing to pay any ransom to the attackers for restored access.

The Perfect Pair United on ZorroSign’s Platform

Blockchain technology has the potential to support IDaaS in many ways: It can provide a secure, decentralized database, and enable faster, more efficient, and heightened secure identity management. It can also help to reduce the risk of fraud and errors and provide a more transparent and auditable record of all identity-related activities across IDaaS solutions.

ZorroSign unites both blockchain architecture with IDaaS capabilities to help your organization better manage identity access and elevate data security!

Contact us to learn more about our data security platform built on blockchain and put us to the test:  Start your free trial of ZorroSign’s data security platform today.

While information and data have always been valuable commodities, they have never been as available and distributed as they are in our digital world today. With digital information being so readily generated and shared, data security rises in importance. Learning about data security and how it may impact your business, government, and personal life is a necessity. So let’s dive in to what data security means and its importance in today’s technologically driven world!

What is Data Security

“Data security is the process of safeguarding digital information throughout its entire life cycle to protect it from corruption, theft, or unauthorized access,” defines Fortinet, a computer, data, and network security company. “It covers everything—hardware, software, storage devices, and user devices; access and administrative controls; and organizations’ policies and procedures.”

“When properly implemented, robust data security strategies will protect an organization’s information assets against cybercriminal activities, but they also guard against insider threats and human error, which remains among the leading causes of data breaches today,” adds IBM. “Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization’s visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. Ideally, these tools should be able to apply protections like encryption, data masking, and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.”

The Importance of Data Security

In today’s digital world, protecting proprietary information—including client data, financial transactions, knowledge archives, infrastructure and databases—must be a top priority for companies and organizations. If they fail via data breaches, hacking, or theft, companies may lose customers and lose trust.

“All businesses have data that’s valuable and that has to be protected,” said Candy Alexander, international president at Information Systems Security Association, a nonprofit organization for information security professionals and practitioners.

Individuals and organizations rely on the companies they do business with to safeguard their data. If a trusted company fails at this task, the company will have more than just the legal fallout to contend with.

According to UpGuard, the combined cost of global data breaches in 2021—including customer repayments, auditing services, legal fees, and fines, among other costs—was approximately $6 trillion. But a failure to protect private information negatively impacts more than just a business’s bottom line, it endangers their reputation and future success. As such, companies employ skilled professionals to prevent or mitigate such risks.

“The cloud, mobility, and the powerful devices most of us have in our pockets enable a culture of convenience, and the ability to collaborate and be more productive. While this convenience arguably makes our lives easier, it also makes it easier for cybercriminals to gain access to our sensitive personal information wherever it lives or wherever it is traveling across the network,” explains SimpliLearn. “New security threats pop up all the time, and IT security professionals need to stay up to date with the latest tactics hackers are employing in the field.” Data security teams must include strategists, communicators, and lifelong learners to ensure IT security is consistently a top priority.

ZorroSign is a Data Security Platform Build on Blockchain

Advancing data security is critical for any technology managing data, and ZorroSign delivers data security in several ways.

The first way ZorroSign supports data security is by using distributed ledger technologies—originally built on Hyperledger Fabric, now expanded to include the Provenance Blockchain—ZorroSign provides superior privacy and security, while preventing fraud and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Blockchains provide structural layers of protection from cybercrime like ransomware, malware, or phishing attacks by decentralizing the data set itself (preventing any one breach to access the entire data set), and then by giving endpoints (or nodes) a quick path to recovery, even if they are themselves breached or their access ransomed. Unlike centralized databases—which can be breached at unsecure endpoints (users and devices) or even at managed service providers (MSPs) hosting them—giving attackers complete control once they gain central access, blockchain technology distributes data physically across separate nodes. By decentralizing data storage, blockchain effectively prevents any one endpoint (even if compromised) from gaining control of the full data set. This distributed nature defeats any attack seeking to breach a system and holistically encrypts the data files stored inside: A single endpoint node might be breached, and its files held for ransom, but the larger data set cannot be controlled by any one endpoint (or central authority) and so attackers cannot capture the full data set for encryption, ransom, and shutting down the network.

ZorroSign has further elevated our data security through our patented fraud detection technology we call the Z-Forensics token. This unique digital solution can:

  • Prove that the individual who is performing the action to sign the document is who they claim to be (verification)
  • Apply a digital equivalent of a wet-ink signature to the document (legal intent)
  • Prove the authenticity of the printed or digital version of an electronically signed document, its content, attachments, and the signatures on it (authenticity)

Plus ZorroSign supports computer security with passwordless authentication capabilities, leveraging the biometric security of Apple and Android mobile devices to login to the device (and ZorroSign app) with hardware biometric capture features such as face, fingerprint, and iris scans.  Such biometric login facilitates user authentication at the device-level without passwords (which can be hacked or stolen) for elevated security of digital signatures and your digital documents.

Contact us
 to learn more about data security and put us to the test:  Start your free trial of ZorroSign’s data security platform built on blockchain today!

According to Gartner, contract life cycle management (CLM) is the “process for managing the life cycle of contracts created and/or administered by or impacting the company. These include third-party contracts, such as outsourcing, procurement, sales, nondisclosure, intellectual property, leasing, facilities management and other licensing, and agreements containing contractual obligations now and in the future.”


CLM spans the entire process of generating contracts, the workflows of approving and negotiating changes to contracts, the signing (or executing) of the contracts, storing and archiving the executed contracts, plus tracking and audit trails to retrieve contracts and review their lifecycle of approvals, iterations, and signatures.


If contracts are critical to your business or organization—as most contractual obligations are—then a secure, reliable solution for managing the contract life cycle is imperative.


Why CLM?

CLM technology solutions help manage the complex and evolving nature of contracts—making your organization more efficient at producing, executing, and upholding contractual agreements.


Key functionality to look for when assessing CLM solutions include visibility (a dashboard or overview of where individual contracts are in the life cycle), integration with communications and storage systems, automation (as few contracts start from scratch—most are iterations of previously created agreements), and of course change tracking to readily see how contracts changed during negotiations and what final version was executed by all parties.


Top 3 Benefits of CLM:

  1. Save time in contract workflows: From creation to approval to negotiation to execution
  2. Improve transparency across your organization, partners, suppliers, and customers
  3. Improve profitability by saving time and costs via operational efficiencies and reduced errors, while also surfacing revenue opportunities in contracts


According to a Villanova University article, CLM solutions can help organizations:

  1. Avoid litigation from contract non-compliance – A major issue in many contracts is compliance. If contractual obligations are incomplete, the potential for litigation can increase.
  2. Save money – Penalties for non-compliance, missed opportunities from special terms and rebates, and payment errors incurring fees and penalties can be avoided with good contract administration.
  3. Deliver greater value to customers – Fulfilling and exceeding customer expectations through proper contract performance enhances an organization’s value and leads to future business.
  4. Reduce costs and time involved in contract administration – Streamlining processes in contract administration has a direct affect on labor time and costs.
  5. Prevent contract managers from functioning as contract administrators – Contract managers, dealing with details and delays, are best doing just that, while contract administrators focus on higher-level management activities, such as developing important relationships with suppliers and customers.


Why ZorroSign for CLM?

ZorroSign is built entirely on a blockchain architecture that protects identities and data—uniquely authenticating users, encrypting communications, and securing digital data immutably through its lifetime . . . including contract data.


Specifically, ZorroSign’s platform was developed on private, permissioned Hyperledger Fabric. Hyperledger emerged as an open-source collaborative effort, hosted by the Linux Foundation, to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies and improve trust, transparency and accountability.


With this technology architecture, ZorroSign can manage contracts as it manages all digital documents, providing:

  • Digital Signatures to quickly execute legally binding contracts
  • Patented 4n6 (“forensics”) token to ensure contract immutability
  • Workflow automation to quickly build templates and approval chains
  • Document management system (DMS) leveraging Hyperledger Fabrics secure distributed ledger
  • ZorroFill deploying machine learning to streamline form completion


ZorroSign’s platform can be accessed via PCs and mobile devices, allowing your legal department, operations and procurement teams, and sales teams to efficiently generate, negotiate, communicate, and sign agreements. And with our blockchain architecture, contracts reside on an immutable DMS where they can be saved, searched for, and managed easily from a single, intuitive user interface.


Unlike any other CLM solution, ZorroSign seals contracts with our 4n6 token—capturing the complete audit trail and the contract’s DNA. The token is encrypted and contains information on all the details about the transaction including timestamps, user authentication, documents and attachments.


Only the 4n6 token:

  • Allows ZorroSign customers to manage permissions as to who gets to see what level of information about the transaction and the contract
  • Stores the ZorroSign security encryption certificates, which—unlike other digital security certificates—never expire!
  • Can verify, validate and authenticate both digital and printed (paper) version of electronically signed contracts


Our unique platform supports CLM to speed digital transformation—reducing paper costs and logistics, supporting environmental conservation, and improving operational efficiencies for in-office and remote teams.


Plus ZorroSign delivers the automation capability necessary to proactively and methodically manage contracts from creation and negotiation, through execution, compliance and renewal. To learn more about CLM and how ZorroSign can support your organization in managing contracts, contact us today!

Add blockchain security for documents & workflows.


ZorroSign’s API services let you digitally sign documents, request signatures, automate your forms and data, and much more—all from your existing enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.


Development teams can readily integrate our digital signature REST APIs into any app, website, mobile app, or embedded system that can make HTTPS requests. With ZorroSign API, your organization can quickly extend and enhance your document signing processes and easily implement document security and authentication capability.


ZorroSign exposes our secure digital signature functionalities via four key APIs: User Service, Workflow Service, Subscription Service, and Token Service. We also provide notification services to handle all the alert service routines.


These APIs allow you to quickly integrate with the ZorroSign digital business platform (DBP) to

  • Communicate subscription data
  • Create and retrieve workflow documents
  • Create custom workflows—including document processing, self-signing, labeling, etc.
  • Leverage a workflow dashboard
  • Generate and read 4n6 (“forensics”) tokens
  • Download blockchain based certificate and audit trail


Why ZorroSign?


ZorroSign provides the ultimate security in digital signatures. Our platform was built on Hyperledger Fabric—the world’s most trusted blockchain—ensuring that all aspects of all transactions are captured on a private permissions-based blockchain with an immutable, non-reputable record.


As governments, organizations, businesses, and individuals move to paperless environments, the promise of distributed ledger technologies offers an appealing new approach to digital connections and security. “We are proud to deliver a mature blockchain solution for digital signatures that is cost-effective and more secure than any encrypted e-signature technology that relies upon public-key infrastructure for security credentials,” says ZorroSign co-founder and CEO, Shamsh Hadi. “ZorroSign’s platform efficiently leverages blockchain to protect online identities and documents such as business agreements, government files, healthcare records, and other legal evidence stored in digital formats.”


Digital signatures can speed a return on investment (ROI) by accelerating agreements, contracts, and transactions and facilitating the secure exchange of digital documents. A digital business platform (DBP) that readily complies with international privacy and security standards and regulations is critical in today’s zero-trust world across companies, organizations, partners and borders.


Low Pricing for Integration


ZorroSign’s API pricing falls into four tiers, determined by how many document sets your organization might use per year. For example, a Bronze license supports up to 500 document sets per year, while Gold and Platinum licenses support many more and our Diamond API license can be customized to the scale you require. All ZorroSign API packages include unlimited templates and workflows, unlimited fields, mobile, authentication, embedded signing & sending, personalized branding, real-time reporting, bulk send, and intelligent forms. Visit our Pricing page for details.


Learn More


We offer multiple paths to learning more about integrating ZorroSign’s platform:

  1. Review our API documentation where we provide guidance and code samples for user services including multifactor authentication (MFA), user management, and passwordless login, plus subscription services, workflow services, token services, notifications, and more!
  2. Request a copy of our API QuickStart Guide — a short developer manual showing you how you can integrate our REST APIs, which are more secure with light data payloads into any app, website, or embedded system using HTTPS requests.

Or contact us today to discuss how you can quickly bring ZorroSign’s secure blockchain-based digital signatures and 4n6 token into your enterprise software!

Email Clients and Security Programs work hard to protect customers from receiving unwanted emails, also known as spam. The unintended result of this security measure is occasionally emails you are expecting are blocked by email filters that are keeping your inbox free of junk.


What you need to know


Email providers ‘blacklist’ unknown domains and domains that appear to be sending spam. At the server level, emails never make it to the customer and these emails are ‘bounced’ from the server. At the client level, emails are delivered to the customer, but filtered into a spam or junk folder. Depending on where the email is being stopped determines how the issue should be resolved.


A whitelist is a list of approved people or products. Adding specific domain names and email addresses to your email client or security program’s whitelist will allow messages to be received and prevent email blocking programs from sending requested subscriptions or desired messages to spam.


At the server level, the email account account admin would need to whitelist the domain of the company that emails should be received from. At the client level, each user can identify emails that are filtered into their junk or spam folder as safe, or add the desired domain to their contact list. Here is an example resolving the non receipt of emails at both the server and client level:


Server Level Solution: Office 365


  1. Log in to Office 365 as an Admin.
  2. Click the “Admin” drop-down box at the top of the screen, select “Exchange” and click the “Mail Flow” heading.
  3. Click the plus sign icon and select “Bypass spam filtering” from.
  4. Type a name for the rule in the appropriate text box. Something simple such as “Whitelist”.
  5. Select “The senders domain is…” from the “Apply this rule if” drop-down box.
  6. Enter domain name [zorrosign.com] to allow access. Click “OK”.


Client Level Solution: Gmail


  1. Log in to your gmail account.
  2. Select contacts from the options on the left side of the Inbox.
  3. Select “Create Contact” on the top menu.
  4. Enter the email address [[email protected]] in the primary email box.
  5. Click “Save”.


Take Action


Every email provider is different and the steps needed to whitelist an email address or domain name is just as unique. Don’t miss another important email. At a minimum, we recommend that you add “[email protected]” to your electronic address book, whitelist, or safe list to ensure delivery of your important eSigniture documents. Once you have successfully whitelisted ZorroSign on your email client or security program, you will ensure receipt of electronic signature communications and will gain the peace of mind that your documents are protected against post-execution forgery and tampering.


Looking for detailed information on how to whitelist a domain on your internet service provider or security program?


Click here for step-by-step instructions for many of the top services.