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Insurance companies of all sizes—from individual agents to huge corporations—need to provide superior customer service to win new customers and sign new policies.

ZorroSign supports that superior customer service by allowing your new customers to sign documents, access those documents, and enjoy faster (remote) services with our blockchain-based digital signature and transaction platform.

Speed Signing and Form-Filling

With our patented, legally binding, fully automated digital signature technology, ZorroSign’s Z-Sign feature enables you to skip the print/sign/scan process, stop chasing paper signatures, and sign digital documents from anywhere—all the while monitoring a policy document’s current status from the ZorroSign dashboard.

Our digital signatures leverage mobile device biometrics for verification and authentication of users, signatures and documents, then stores all digital documents (and metadata on signing) to our blockchain for immutable records and audit trails. 

ZorroSign can even accept handwritten or computer-generated signatures for specific purposes, and track them immutably on our blockchain for fraud-prevention and E&O audits.

Elevate Privacy and Security

ZorroSign is built entirely on a blockchain architecture that protects identities and data—uniquely authenticating users, encrypting communications, and securing digital data immutably through its lifetime. Specifically, ZorroSign’s platform was built from the ground-up on private, permissioned Hyperledger Fabric blockchain technology.

For insurance companies that desire to securely transform paper-based workflows, ZorroSign’s digital signature and document management platform can decrease costs, reduce errors, and increase productivity. As a private blockchain, ZorroSign can ensure privacy is always maintained as only approved nodes (endpoint users) can write to ZorroSign’s blockchain. As a result, ZorroSign’s architecture has even tighter privacy and security measures than other blockchains.

Further, ZorroSign’s patented Z-Forensics token is a kind of digital seal that captures the complete audit trail and the document’s DNA. The token is encrypted and contains information on all the details about the insurance transaction including time stamps, user authentication, document, and attachments. 

Our Z-Forensics token securely reads the information from the secure ZorroSign servers so it can be accessed by the document originator or third parties (with permission from the originator) when requested. Only the Z-Forensics token:

  • Allows ZorroSign to manage permissions as to who gets to see what level of information about the transaction and the document
  • Stores the ZorroSign security encryption certificates, which—unlike other digital security certificates—never expire
  • Can verify, validate and authenticate both digital and printed (paper) version of electronically signed documents

Reduce Errors and Omissions (E&O)

Make your critical insurance form-fill completion process smarter, faster and more accurate using ZorroSign’s automated engine, Z-Fill

Built with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to speed form completion and increase accuracy, ZorroSign’s Z-Fill feature helps your customers fill forms with ease by anticipating entries, reduces errors by matching profile information to form-fill options, and learns from historical form-fills to anticipate more and more entries over time.

Plus all of your insurance documents can be stored on ZorroSign’s Z-Vault for regulatory compliance and the immutability of signed documents, metadata, and workflow records.  Z-Vault enables you to store, structure, organize and search documents in folders and subfolders natively, with the peace of mind that comes from superior blockchain privacy and security.

Improve Customer Service

All ZorroSign’s benefits for your insurance business map right back to customers as well:

  • Digital signatures allow customers to sign at their convenience, wherever and whenever they prefer
  • Elevated privacy and security for all insurance documents and transactions
  • Form-fill automation to reduce errors and omissions (and improve regulatory compliance)
  • Plus a secure document management system for immutable records that can readily be audited for details or history

ZorroSign helps bring your insurance business into the digital age:  Speeding customer processes and service, helping your organization “go green” with paperless operations, and allowing you to serve customers from anywhere, anytime!

Learn more about how ZorroSign serves the insurance industry, contact us with any questions, or start your 14-day free trial and bring these benefits to your insurance business today!