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Fintech Finance Presents: The Fintech Show 1.14 – Enter Digiprise

In this episode, Fintech Finance investigates how institutions can adapt to the way people do business in a digital ecosystem. This video features the people and organizations who are innovating and breaking down this challenge to help their customers.


Shamsh Hadi, Co-Founder and CEO of ZorroSign explains how the company has revolutionized the eSignature and DTM industry. First, one of the founders of ZorroSign holds the patent on the original electronic signature technology. Additionally, ZorroSign also uses a proprietary Document 4n6 (Forensics) tokenization technology to detect digital document tampering and signature fraud.


Fintech Finance sat down with ZorroSign, Inc., BBVA, Citi, and Rabobank to discuss electronic signature, document security, blockchain and advanced Digital Transaction Management.


Derek White, Global Head of Client Solutions at BBVA discusses how technology is changing the way people and banks interact with each other.


Ebru Pakjan, Head of Treasury and Trade Solutions at CITI Bank provides insight into the advancements being made with regard to implementing digital technologies in order to better serve their business customers.


Daan Van Eshof, Product Manager at Rabobank e-business, details how important different technology like eSignature is when managing the security of customers and the bank.