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The Value of Digital Transformation for Local Governments

  • Name
    Shamsh Hadi

“Modern digital technology that supports information sharing,

communication, collaboration, and learning are

central to daily living and to the function of government.”

~Teri Takai, Executive Director at the Center for Digital Government


Local governments in the United States such as counties, municipalities, and school districts serve the public with codified processes for business, education, health and safety, law enforcement, property development, transportation, utilities, and more. The sheer volume of legal agreements, licenses, permits, records, and reports are daunting to manage, and digital solutions are becoming more and more necessary to effectively administrate public services.


Further, local governments know the value of operating more efficiently both in cost-savings (by reducing administrative costs in paper, printing, reproduction, storage, etc.) and in resource allocation (by being able to serve more constituents with the same resources). Technology solutions that speed clerical work, reduce errors, and lower administrative costs can readily generate a return on investment for the public.


As local governments strive to move paper administration to digital environments, privacy and security become top priorities. Beyond simply digitizing forms, processes, and records, these government organizations must:


  • Validate end users as constituents engage digital public services
  • Authenticate digital data as it is moved between users and offices
  • Secure digital documents for storage, archiving, and retrieval—ensuring immutability with non-repudiation audit trails and post-execution fraud/tamper protection


Digital Benefits for Local Governments

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated local governments’ need to move to digital services.


“When offices were forced to close, many local governments were unable
to conduct business without physical access to legacy systems,
holding up everything from building permits to license renewals
and access to land records.”
~Doug Harvey, VMware Head of U.S. State & Local Governments & Education


As local governments add remote administration capabilities, the promise of digital transformation is tremendous. Large municipalities to the smallest administrative districts can leverage digital signature and document management software to protect the chain of custody (CoC) for documents and securely review, approve, archive, and retrieve:


  • Across-agency or inter-department agreements
  • Architecture and engineering drawings/schematics for construction permits
  • Benefits administration programs and processes
  • Certificates of occupancy
  • Court decrees and orders
  • Facilities management forms
  • Housing programs and building permitting management
  • Human resources processes (e.g., employment agreements, expense forms, payroll sign-off sheets, etc.)
  • Licenses for alcohol, auctions, business, construction, farming, plumbing, restaurants, retail, valet services, etc.
  • Logistics and procurement processes
  • Permits for building, carnivals and fairs, exhibit and trade shows, explosives, fireworks, gas, hazardous waste, hospitals, lumber, medical facilities, nursing homes, public assemblies, waste handling, etc.
  • Public health programs administration
  • Purchase agreements for public assets, products, or services


ZorroSign blockchain digital signature, a secure, encrypted platform provides a means for local governments to digitize records—eliminating duplication errors, streamlining clerical work, decreasing costs and time spent, and ensuring public record immutability for legal enforceability and transparency.